Yet the Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me, a prayer to the God of my life. -Psalms 42:8 Amp
There is an awareness on protecting women in the world today, but the reality is that it hasn’t filtered down for the most part yet into Guatemala, as is common in the developing world.
There are many widows and single mothers, due to various reasons, who are put into dangerous circumstances, along with the lives of their children, who are trying to survive, as individuals and as a family unit.
Life is very difficult for them. A short list of things these families face includes:
Lack of education
Lack of respect-- for women, especially
The Heart of A Song in the Night has many facets--
Jesus is with them, and they are not alone
Jesus hears our prayers
Provision for mothers/wives, and children who have been abandoned
He will provide practical help through many ways to lift them up
What it means
We know that there are profound challenges, that
Total victory is not something that happens overnight
Even after accepting Jesus, we must learn to walk it out -It’s a life change
Discovering together, holding His hand, the depths he has gone to heal
Spiritual support and equipping, along with meeting practical needs
A Song ministers to all the family members

A Song in the Night is working with families, usually single moms who have suffered severe abuse and have little or no education. We help with food, medical and dental care, education, job training, jobs, housing, transportation, and whatever else comes up!! The most important thing that we do is to share Jesus with them, Who He is, what He has done for us, and how much He loves us. Our desire is to help them find healing and hope even in the darkest night! Song ... is about helping them to have a vision of Jesus, and hope for their lives and the lives of their children.
Click this link for more info on ways you can get involved. You can also contact us at
ASongintheNightDonie@gmail.com or through the other means listed on our contact page.
Food, Clothing, and Household Needs, Medical Attention, Education, Employment, Spiritual Growth and Counseling are some of the top areas our families need financial assistance in. And ANY amount helps! Thank you so much for helping us help others.
Good News - you can now give through Venmo! Use our QR code or find us at @ASongintheNight